Unnat Bharat Abhiyan SRM Institute of Science and Technology organized a drawing competition in commemoration of world anti-tobacco day at Panchayat Union Middle School Kolathur on 25.06.2024. The event aimed to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and promote a tobacco free lifestyle among students and the community. Students from 7th and 8th standards enthusiastically participated in the competition. The event saw a diverse range of participants showcasing their creativity, artistic skills through their drawing. The theme of the competition revolved around the hazards of tobacco consumption and the benefits of a smoke and tobacco free environment. Participants were encouraged to illustrate these themes creatively through their artwork. A panel of judges comprising of teachers and UBA-SRMIST staffs evaluated the entries based on creativity, relevance to the theme and overall artistic expressions. Several outstanding entries were recognized and awarded prizes to acknowledge their contribution to spreading awareness. Best three art works were selected for first three positions. The winners received prizes as a token of appreciation for their efforts. The prize distribution was done by Dr.V. Thirumurugan, Associate Director (CL) and Nodal Officer of UBA-SRMIST. All the participants were given with a small stationary kit contains Pouch, Pencil, Scale, eraser, Sharpener etc to encourage them to participate in more such events. Which was distributed by Mr. Rajan, Headmaster of Panchayat Union Middle School-Kolathur. The drawing competition successfully served its purpose of spreading awareness about the dangers of tobacco and encouraging participants to express their views through art. It also fostered a sense of responsibility among students towards promoting a healthy lifestyle and advocating against tobacco use. Overall, The event was a resounding success. It not only provided a platform for students to showcase their artistic talents but also contributed significantly to raising awareness about the importance of combating tobacco use for a healthier society.

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