SRM Muthucharam Community Radio, in association with Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0, observed National Sports Day on 29th August 2024, at Panchayat Union Middle School, Kolathur village. This day marks the importance of sports and physical activities for overall health. Dr. T. Kalaivani, the station manager of SRM Muthucharam Community Radio, gave a warm welcome to the event and emphasized the importance of National Sports Day as well as the critical role that community radio plays in local outreach. The keynote address on "UBA AND SRMIST PARTNERSHIP" was given by Dr. V. Thirumurugan, Associate Director (Campus Life) & Nodal Officer Unnat Bharat Abhiyan / SBSI-SRMIST. Dr. S Jayasingh Albert Chandrasekar, Head, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, SRMIST, then discussed "SPORTS AND ITS IMPORTANCE."

The headmaster of Panchayat Union Middle School in Kolathur, Mr. B R Rajan, offered enlightening comments and feedback. Students participated in a sports competition earlier, which was judged by experts from SRMIST's Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences. Prizes were awarded to distinguished participants. Refreshments and gifts of gratitude were profusely given to every student, along with the teachers. The vote of thanks was given by Assistant Station Manager Dr. R.M. Hariharan, who embodied the attitude of friendship and appreciation. Mr. Thairiyaraj, Production Executive, and Mr. Kesavan, Sound Engineer, both from SRM Muthucharam Community Radio, skillfully planned the event. The event emphasized how important sports have always been for young children. The show that Muthucharam Community Radio will air.

Staff Name



Dr.V. Thirumurugan

Associate Director (CL) & Nodal Officer UBA


Dr. S Jayasingh Albert Chandrasekar

Head, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences


Dr. T. Kalaivani

Station Manager of SRM Muthucharam Community Radio


Dr. R.M. Hariharan

Assistant Station Manager


Mr. Thairiyaraj

Production Executive


Mr. Kesavan

Sound Engineer

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